Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Guilt Free Raw Hot Chocolate - A Healthy & Yummy Treat

Brrrr!! If you're in the Northeast like I am you're facing snow, ice and cold temperatures. One of my favorite snowy day treats growing up was hot chocolate. Unfortunately traditional hot chocolate can be high in calories & fat and provides little to no health benefits. If you're craving this yummy drink to warm up I have the perfect solution for you! Raw Hot Chocolate is not only super easy to make, it also super healthy so you can enjoy it guilt free! 

Raw chocolate, or raw cocoa is a Superfood because of it's many health benefits, including being a powerful antioxidant. Raw cocoa is loaded with magnesium which is good for bone health, helps regulate blood pressure and aids in energy production. In addition, raw cocoa promotes cardiovascular health, aids in proper digestion & has been shown to improve mood and battle depression by boosting serotonin levels, . As if that wasn't enough it even has benefits for your nails, skin and hair because it's a good source of sulfur! A healthy, tasty treat that even enhances your beauty?!? Can't beat that! 

So how can you make this healthy treat? 

1 cup Almond Milk
1T Raw Cocoa Powder
1/2-1 T honey or other sweetener

Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan and cook over LOW heat. Whisk continuously for about 3-5 minutes until ingredients are mixed well and drink is hot. 

Makes 1 serving

Enjoy and stay warm! 

In Health and Happiness, 

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