I don't know about you, but I find the weekends the hardest time to stay on track with eating well and exercising. I eat well all week and exercise before or after work, but Friday evening through Sunday is my "danger zone" when it comes to un-doing all the good work I did during the week. I find the Summer months especially difficult because it's our busiest season for BBQs with friends and family, weekend getaways and special events like weddings & graduations. With that said, I L-O-V-E weekends and live for the downtime and relaxation with the people I love the most, and I want to enjoy this time without worrying about everything I put into my mouth. I've learned some helpful ways to enjoy the weekends while being healthy that I'd like to share with you.
- Plan your weekend ahead of time. I have found the best recipe for failure is failing to plan. I have started looking at what my weekend holds in store and stocking up on healthy foods on Friday so we have healthy options to go to on the weekends. If we're going to be out all day we'll either have a healthy brunch type meal at home or bring healthy snacks so we're not making on the fly meal choices when we're starved.
- Include exercise in your weekend. For most people the weekend is when you have the most free time, but it may not seem like that when you're running around trying to fit everything into your 2 days off. Try planning activities that include physical activity like swimming in the summer, skiiing in the winter, hiking, bike riding, etc (even walking around an amusement park or museum counts as exercise!). Or start your day with exercise that you enjoy, like a walk alone to clear your mind from the busy work week, your favorite yoga class at the gym, or a jog with your friends. Whatever exercise you choose just make some time for it before you tackle everything else on your weekend to do list.
- Spend some time in the kitchen. If you have a recipe you've been wanting to try but haven't found time after your work day, why not give it a whirl on the weekend? Stock up on the ingredients and dive in, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Also, include your family or friends to join you to make it more fun. Some of the best date nights my husband and I have are at home in our kitchen trying new recipes. It's a fun bonding experience, it saves us money instead of eating out, and food tastes so delicious when it's made with love! <3
- Bring a healthy dish to share. If you've invited to a pot luck type gathering make sure to bring a healthy dish that you can enjoy. This doesn't have to be something you've slaved over the stove cooking, it can be something simple and easy like veggies and hummus dip, your specialty home brewed unsweetened iced tea or fresh tomatoes from your garden.
- Careful with the alcohol. Five O'Clock happy hour anyone? Glass of wine with dinner? Would you like a beer with that burger? Alcohol seems to be a major part of many social gathers on the weekends. Remember to keep it in moderation, sip slowly and have a glass of water (or two!) between each drink.
I believe in the 80/20 rule - eat well, exercise, live healthfully 80% of the time and leave 20% for "everything else". Don't drive yourself crazy with every little bite you eat, but also remember to enjoy the company of those around you rather than the food and drink abundance!